Leg3 dayreport to racemanagement, Globe40

Dagrapport aan het racemanagement wat wij dagelijks verplicht moeten sturen. Je mag 1 regel sturen (all ok on board),

Maar je mag er ook een verhaaltje van maken.

Hello All,

A warm hello from a cold Sec Hayai with a 10 degrees temperature and a continues heel for the next 6 (!) days! Nice to go all the way upwind or high reaching to get to Auckland. Haha!

Happily we are also able to listen to the Formula 1 where Max was trying to make a nice performance. Sadly he did not ..;(..!

Did you know we are only allowed to listen if the boatspeed is above 96% polair!?!

I bet you did not know this, did you?

You know how often we have to run outside to adjust the sail if the wind is veering up and down between 12 and 19 knots! Both have very dis-similar settings to go fast and high reaching around TWA 65 degrees.

In the meantime we also had some time left to make some nice breadrolls (or hotdogs), coffee and eat some fruit.
All in all, it was not a bad day, although we did not see any sun, just grey clouds.

Now we are preparing ourselves for a harsh bit of upwind sailing. We expect winds in the next 24 hrs to go up to 35 knots, so we will be down to 2 or 3 reefs and our J2. Happily we will be quite close to the coast, so the waves will not be very bad. The wind will not be the hard factor, the waves are.

And last but not least, we hope our tactics will pay off, so we can gain a little advantage over Milai.
Time will tell…
As you can read, just another day in the office on board the Sec Hayai!

Kind regards,

Frans & Ysbrand


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